Fun Rainy Day Activities

Hanging out eating pizza | Pizza Parma

Rainy days have a tendency to put us in a ho-hum mood, searching for something fun to do. With fall nearing, there are plenty of these days ahead. Take advantage of this opportunity to get inspired by fun rainy day activities for yourself and your family.

Movie Marathon

Ah, a tried-and-true classic. The thunder’s rumbling, water droplets drizzling and there’s a slight chill in the air. It’s time to break out your favorite movies (or log onto your go-to streaming service) and settle in for a binge-a-thon. Choose a genre or mix it up. Make it a family affair or invite a few gal pals over. Just pop a big ol’ bowl of popcorn, snuggle up with a warm blanket and enjoy the show!

Scratch Baking

We’ve all been there. We break out the box dessert mix because we “don’t have the time” or we’re “low on energy,” but rainy days are tailor-made for scratch baking. So long as severe storms stay at bay (True story: Try having the power go out in the middle of baking a cake!), quality time in the kitchen provides a fun challenge and tasty result. And if you have kids, turn the experience into a project wherein they play sous chef and measure ingredients. Cookies, cakes or pies, whip up dessert next time you’re stuck inside. 

Indoor Exercise

Whoops, you indulged in a bit too much of Pizza Parma’s mouthwatering pizza recently. We get it. But with rainy days on the way, it’s the perfect opportunity to work off a few of those calories. Grab your yoga mat or free weights and exercise in the living room. Or, if you have larger equipment, take a jog on the treadmill or pedal it out on the elliptical. Tune into a favorite workout program or podcast to jumpstart your energy and get the most from the lazy day workout. 

Let Pizza Parma Turn Your Rainy Day into a Par-tay

Whether you’re in need of dinner to go with that movie party, or you lean on comfort food when weathering a storm, Pizza Parma has you covered. We’ve got pies in every flavor, as well as pastas and subs to fill your belly. Give us a call to turn your rainy day into a par-tay.